Vehicle App Project Template
Quick setup of a Vehicle App project with the help of GitHub templates for the supported programming languages including a sample Vehicle App and GitHub Actions workflow, and comfortable setup of the development environment e.g. in Microsoft Visual Studio Code.
Vehicle App Development Model
Simplify coding and debugging of Vehicle Apps that access vehicle data points and call vehicle functions using the provided SDK for the different programming languages that delegates to the Vehicle Abstraction Layer.
Vehicle Abstraction Layer
Abstracts vehicle make & model specific properties and capabilities to a common representation. This makes it possible for Vehicle Apps to be portable across different electric and electronic vehicle architectures e.g. the Vehicle Apps do not care whether the seat is controlled via CAN, LIN or some other physical interface.
GitHub Actions Workflow Blueprint
Providing ready-to-use GitHub workflows to check the Vehicle App, build images for multi architectures, scan it, execute integration tests and release the Vehicle App to allow the developer to focus on the development of the Vehicle App.
Automated Release Process
Providing a release workflow to generate release artifacts and documentation out of the CI workflow results and push it to the GitHub container registry to be used by a deployment system.
Deployment Model
Running and deploying Vehicle App as OCI-compliant container to increase the flexibility to support different programming languages and runtimes to accelerate innovation and development.