gRPC Service Interface

The functional interface for supporting remote procedure calls via gRPC.
Providing CLI package Interface type-key
devenv-devcontainer-setup grpc-interface


This interface type introduces a dependency to a gRPC service. It is used to generate either client stubs (in case your application requires the interface) or server stubs (in case your application provides the interface). The result of the generation is a language specific and package manager specific source code package, integrated with the Velocitas SDK core.

If a Vehicle App requires a grpc-interface - a client stub embedded into the Velocitas framework will be generated and added as a build-time dependency of your application. It enables you to access your service from your Vehicle App without any additional effort.

If a Vehicle App provides a grpc-interface - a server stub embedded into the Velocitas framework will be generated and added as a build-time dependency of your application. It enables you to quickly add the business logic of your application.

Configuration structure

Attribute Type Example value Description
src string "" URI of the used protobuf specification of the service. URI may point to a local file or to a file provided by a server. It is generally recommended that a stable proto file is used. I.e. one that is already released under a proper tag rather than an in-development proto file. 
required.methods array Array of service’s methods that are accessed by the application. In addition to access control the methods attribute may be used to determine backward or forward compatibility i.e. if semantics of a service’s interface did not change but methods were added or removed in a future version.
required.methods.[].name string "Move", "MoveComponent" Name of the method that the application would like to access
provided object {} Reserved object indicating that the interface is provided. Might be filled with further configuration values.


  "type": "grpc-interface",
  "config": {
      "src": "",
      "required": {
        "methods": [
          "Move", "MoveComponent"