gRPC service generation

Learn how to generate and fill your own gRPC services.

This tutorial shows how to generate a basic gRPC service like a seat service. For this example the proto file under is taken.

All files included from services/seats are auto-generated and added to the app project as Conan dependency. For writing a complete gRPC service you need two velocitas apps/projects. One is implementing a client and the other one is for providing the server. To complete the server implementation you have to fill the generated *ServiceImpl.cpp. Have a look at the linked content beneath for a tutorial how it would be done for a SeatService leveraging .

To run the example you need to start the velocitas app for the server first and then the second velocitas app for the client.

Create a client

Learn how to create a client for a service definition.

Create a server

Learn how to create a server for a service definition.

Last modified September 12, 2024: Remove kuksa.val and VSC references (#128) (e8ca8f3)